Strengthening Families
Strengthening Families can help you to identify the stepping stones of a pathway forward for your family/ whānau.

How Strengthening Families works
All the people and agencies who could help your family are brought together. We start by identifying what is going well for you and where you would like support. Together you discuss your family’s needs and agree on what everyone is going to do.
The Process
You will be contacted by a coordinator or key contact person who will be with you through the process. The first meeting will be where you talk about what is important for your family/ whānau and what you want to achieve.
Everyone around the table, including agencies needed to provide specialised service for your family/ whānau, will help develop a practical plan which will work for you and your family/ whānau.
Is there a cost?
Strengthening Families is a voluntary and free service.
Who is involved?
Eleven New Zealand government agencies are actively involved with Strengthening Families along with hundreds of community-based services.
Will I be heard?
Your voice is important. You choose where and when our Strengthening Families meetings are held. You also have a say in what will be discussed, who is at the table, and what you want to focus on. This means you do not have to repeat your story and you have control of the process.
Strengthening Families History
Strengthening Families has been in operation since 1997. It is delivered by community organisations and providers. Several government departments provide funding for it. ACROSS has been providing the Strengthening Families service since 2011.
Am I the only one allowed at the meetings?
You get to choose to come on board with as many family/ whānau members as you wish to support you on this pathway.
Do I need a referral?
Families/ whānau can self-refer or any agency (i.e., school, community group) can make a referral.